Thursday, January 12, 2012

One of the biggest projects we are working on is getting our conference center ready to start having conferences in 1 1/2 weeks. Its been used for disaster relief for 2 years. Today is the 2 year anniversary of the earthquake where 316,000 were killed. Everything is shut down in remembrance of the lives lost. Sunday our head missionary Dave Heady preached and the service went as follows, 1 1/2 hours of worship time, then 45 minutes of time on our knees praying and confessing to our Lord, then 3 offerings were taken up, 1 for widows and orphans, 1 for the church, 1 for the new church sanctuary being built behind the church that will hold 2,500 people. This is an exciting time in the church here to be able to give. Then the word was preached and over 40 people came forward to rededicate and 3 saved. During this time the Holy Spirit had filled the room of 1,000 with the chorus being sung in harmony. We got there for the 2nd service at 7:30 and didn't leave till 11:30, and no air conditioning.  This doesn't always happen but it did Sunday.

They use a flannel board to share Jesus at a Saturday morning bible time.

This is group of amputees from the earthquake
                          This is determination! Next time you feel like life is hard remember there               are those who have it worse but make the best of it.
Never give up no matter how hard life gets.

                                                         Some of our 311 kids in our school.

                             Getting our conference center back and ready to start conferences and            closing down disaster relief. Close to 250 beds to get back in working order.
Working on the dorms, fixing beds, doors, and fans.

                         This is one of the wells we drilled donated in memory of a loved one.

Sunday after church we rode up the mountain in TiTanyen and gave dresses to some girls.   
The littlest girl here didn't have any clothes on out at one of our wells, what a blessing it is to clothe them in prayed over hand made dresses by youth being mentored at FBCHNC making a difference in young girls being mentored providing dresses for girls in Haiti.
These younger girls where only wearing some type of bottoms (undies or shorts) and the little older girls were wearing torn and too small dresses.

Prayer request

1. Pray for our conference center and staff to be ready for our 1st conference in 2 years. Teaching the Haitian Christians to disciple others more effectively.
2. Pray for our support to increase allowing us to return full time in July.

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